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Miss Jennifer


低潮過後 生機再現


受訪老師:Miss Jennifer


採訪地點:Miss Jennifer家中





StudentHow do you see Jesus?

JenniferWell, I think one difference from me or from you guys maybe, is that I grew up hearing the story about Jesus from when I was young. And I know that you guys hear it at Pui Ching, but I still think that it’s different, because my parents talked about Jesus and my grandparents talked about Jesus. And I went to church from the time when I was one week old! So I have always known the model answers about Jesus, you know? But it wasn't until when I was in middle school that I really started to have some doubt and some questions about who Jesus is. Because it's true, like, I’ve never seen him with my eyes, I’ve never touched him with my hands, so how do I know that He exists? I remember (actually this goes back to my Japanese friend that I met in middle school), when I met her, that was the first time I really was a very good friend with someone who's belief was much different than mine. And I remember she always told me, “How can you believe in God? Because in Japan we never even think about that. You know, whether He really exists or not is not a practical question, so we don't care.” Actually, for a few months I was really kinda depressed about that (about what she said) and I didn't know what I thought. And I remember one day I was... I think trying to sleep... and I just thought back about my life and that question, “How do I know if God exists or not?” I think the main thing I can say is that, I have seen God's love in my life. Actually my life... is not very difficult, but it has also not been very easy. My parents never had a lot of money. Even when they came this time (they came this February), I had to invite them (pay for them) to come, otherwise they could never have come. Some Christmases I remember we didn't have enough money for Christmas presents. But during all the difficulties (‘cause there are so many kids in my family too,) I could see God's working, like, that year that we didn't have Christmas presents- on Christmas day they just, appeared on our door step, someone brought them to us! I don't know how to say that, except that I can see God's love accompanying me every step of my life. That doesn't prove His existence scientifically, but I think... I mean I can talk about that, but that's another story, you know what I mean? So that's for me, personally, how I have seen Him in my life.





StudentHad Jesus ever disappointed you?

JenniferI think the answer to this question is “yes”, and also “no”. What I mean is that, I think there were many times in my life where I expected something to be one way, and then, it wasn't like that, so I was disappointed.

But later, I realized that the thing that caused me disappointment was actually better for me. And I guess, why you could say that, is because I'm a person, I'm going to be disappointed. That's natural, I think, but the disappointment does not come from who Jesus is, but more from the way that I see the world. Maybe my perspective is not right. So one example is, (like I mentioned that that boy that I like before): I think... maybe because I'm American, I had watched too many Disney movies, and I thought that, “If you love someone, love can overcome any difficulty.” And during that experience (of things not working out with the boy) I realized that it's not true- at least not for human love. It cannot overcome everything. I couldn’t make him love Jesus; I couldn’t make him choose the thing that I wanted him to choose. So that was a huge disappointment:(because he was not a Christian). But I could have been disappointed with God and even now, to maybe not have a family (in the future), I could be, or sometimes am (disappointed), but at heart I know that (what’s true). Now I can even say I'm glad that I didn't marry him, I wouldn’t be back in Macao, you know?





StudentSo you mean the disappointment actually help you?

JenniferYes! And also that, if I had married him, and he didn't love God in the same way, there would be much greater disappointment in the future than the one that happened that time. So I think... when I say “yes”, I have had some disappointment with Jesus, when I say “no”, I mean that at the moment I must be disappointed, but later, I can realize what's good.





StudentDo you believe there’s the end of the world?

JenniferAt one time, Jesus was talking to the disciples and He told them that no one knows the day or the hour He will return-that Jesus will come back. So in other words, He (Jesus) said, that it is impossible for us to predict that. Does that mean that I don't think the end of the world is coming soon or that I don't believe in it? No, ‘cause I believe in it. The more things that happen like the floods, the war and so many things, those are things that Jesus told us are signs of the end of the world. Sometimes when I see all the bad news, I think: “Uhh, maybe the end of the world is coming.” And sometimes when I don’t want to go to school, I think:  “Uhh, I wish you would come sooner!” But, but, I think we, if people said, it is May (that Jesus will come back), whatever, it must not be that day, because we cannot predict it, we already know that.



老師:我讓你看看這個,這棵植物是Miss Kelly送給我的。大約在六個月前,它好像已經枯死了,Miss Kelly叫我把它扔掉算了。但我知道這棵植物的生命是有季節性的,有時看起來好像死了,但後來還是活了過來。我們的生命也是一樣,有時會有失望和低潮,但在適當的時候,我們的生命又會再次活躍起來。這棵植物正好提醒我們:每一個人的生命,低潮過後,生機再現。


StudentWhat is your life philosophy?

JenniferYou can see the plant here… ok, I'll show you this one. This plant is from Miss Kelly, About six weeks ago, it looked like it was a dead plant, and she told me just to throw it away. But I know that this plant also has some seasons in its life. Sometimes, it will appear to be dead, but sometimes it will have life again. So sometimes, I think our lives are like that- we have seasons of disappointment or down times, but at the right time, our life will bloom again. So I think plants help me to remember that people's lives, my students’ lives, and my life is like that.



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