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2012 USA美國教會 暑期之旅

源起:本校自2008年起,每年暑假均獲美國New Life Church教會義工協助舉辦趣味 班。2008年相片2010年相片2011年相片

,主日崇拜人數近萬,Dr. Quentin乃教會牧師之一。




Official Letter to Pui Ching School.pdf(4.39 KB)

February 2, 2012

David WONG


Pui Ching School

Avenida de Horta e Costa, No.7



Rev. Wong,

I want to personally invite you and 10 students from your school to come to Conway, Arkansas, USA for two weeks from July 22 to August 5, 2012.  The objective of this trip is to give the students an opportunity to experience American culture by staying with an American family, improve their spoken English, and improve their written English by writing in a journal each day.  We also want to help their leadership skills by taking them through a training program.  This 2 week stay in Arkansas, USA will be a life changing experience for these students.

Tentative Schedule for USA trip

Leave approx. 7-21-12

Arrive on 7-21-12   Go to church and meet host family

                                Go home and stay with host family and rest

7-22-12      Meet for cook out and just fellowship-go back rest

7-23-12      Clinton library – See Capital – 

7-24-12      Dream Center and interact with children

7-25-12      New Life for youth services

7-26-12      Little Rock Zoo or Lamar the safari drive through

7-27-12      Leadership training –

7-28-12      New Life Church

7-29-12      Go to Camping trip, hiking, swimming, fishing

7-30-12      Go to Camping Trip, devotionals nightly

7-31-12   Camping trip return

8-1-12     New Life for Youth services

8-2-12     Conway Christian school interaction and program with them

8-3-12     Leadership training

8-4-12     Party at ForMor with kids

8-5-12     New Life Church

8-6-12     Leave to go back to Macau

If you have any questions, please call me at 501-514-4600 or email me at doctorqjw@gmail.com.


Dr. Quentin Washispack

New Life Church



We want to give the students an opportunity to experience American culture by staying with an American family, improve their spoken English, and improve their written English by writing in a journal each day.  We also want to help their leadership skills by taking them through a training program.  This 2 week stay in Arkansas, USA will be a life changing experience for these students.


Tentative Cost Schedule:

Air ticket -               US - $1800

Lodging and food   US - $700


                                US - $2500

Contingiencey fee  US - $500 

                            US - $3000  ~ mop 24,000



Visa                         mop 700

Ferry                       mop 500

Medical Insurance  mop 800

Total                        mop 2000

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