
What is FTC ?

It’s way more than building robots. FIRST Tech Challenge teams (10+ members, grades 7-12) are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format. Guided by adult Coaches and Mentors, students develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles (like keeping an engineering notebook), while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and sharing ideas. The robot kit is reusable from year-to-year and can be programmed using a variety of languages, including Java. Teams also must raise funds, design and market their team brand, and do community outreach for which they can win awards. Participants have access to tens of millions of dollars in college scholarships. Each season concludes with Super-Regional Championships and an exciting FIRST Championship.

Our Team

We are proud of our team, Team ALPHA, as all of the members are committed to our mission-be professional and be united. There are three sectors in our team. Some members concentrate on programming and some have exhibited their talents in mechanic. We are also very pleased that some members are willing to devote their efforts in design and engineering. Although we have different robotic specialties and interests, all of us have been working together energetically to the pursuit of perfection. We enjoy our learning process as well as the friendship and team spirit developed during the days and nights in which we condense all of the drops of our sweat and the bits of our heart blood. Last but not the least, if any success Team ALPHA may achieve in the contest, all of the honor should be dedicated to our most respectable and amiable robotic coach, Mr. Thomas Lao and Mr. Kouk, Mr. Ng, and our supportable and affectionate parents.




Big Family





Three Department

Our FTC Team is devided in 3 different departments. They are mechanic, program, and Public Relationship. This three departments can build a great team that could do impossible missions.



Robot Design, engineering and 3D CAD



Programming, Web Design


Public Relationship

Promotion, soveveis and Pizzas