ZeroJudge:2010-09-21 資訊能力競賽校內加賽 (d789)==================== 第 1 題 ==================== //920 - Sunny Mountains (by Snail) #include #include //for sort() #include //for sqrt() #include //for setprecision() using namespace std; struct point {double x, y;} l[100]; //l(andscape)[]--地形 inline bool xlt (point a, point b) {return a.x < b.x;} //xlt (x less than)--x 小於(按x 由小到大排序) int main () { int n, i, tc; double len, y, dy, dx; cout << fixed << setprecision(2); //小數以下兩位 cin >> tc; while (tc--) { cin >> n; for (i=0; i> l[i].x >> l[i].y; sort (l, l+n, xlt); len = y = 0; //y--目前高度 for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--) { if (l[i].y > y) { dy = l[i].y - y; //d(elta)y--高度差 dx = (l[i].x - l[i+1].x) * dy / (l[i].y - l[i+1].y); len += sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy); y = l[i].y; } } cout << len << endl; } } (d790)==================== 第 2 題 ==================== //729 - The Hamming Distance Problem (by Snail) 0.228s #include #include #include using namespace std; int main () { int tc, n, h; string s; cin >> tc; while (tc--) { cin >> n >> h; s.assign (n-h, '0'); //設定為n-h 個'0' s.append (h, '1'); //加上h 個'1' do { cout << s << endl; //輸出所有的排列 } while (next_permutation (s.begin(), s.end())); if (tc) cout << endl; //測資間空一行 } } (d791)==================== 第 3 題 ==================== //756 - Biorhythms (by Snail) 0.024s #include using namespace std; int main () { // 5544 = 28*33* 6 = 23*241 + 1 int tc=1, p, e, i, d; //14421 = 23*33*19 = 28*515 + 1 while (cin >> p, p>=0) { // 1288 = 23*28* 2 = 33* 39 + 1 cin >> e >> i >> d; d = (p*5544 + e*14421 + i*1288 - d + 21251) % 21252 + 1; cout << "Case " << tc++ << ": the next triple peak occurs in " << d << " days.\n"; } } //中國餘數定理(韓信點兵) (d792)==================== 第 4 題 ==================== //11463 - Commandos (by Snail) #include using namespace std; int main () { int m[101][101], i, j, k, N, R, u, v, s, d, t, tc, ntc; cin >> ntc; for (tc=1; tc<=ntc; tc++) { cin >> N >> R; for (i=0; i> u >> v; m[u][v] = m[v][u] = 1; } for (k=0; k> s >> d; t = 0; for (k=0; k #include using namespace std; int cost[1000][1000]; //原本儲存該格所讀入的數字 //拜訪過後則以負數表示從原點到該格的距離 struct cell { int r, c; cell (int r, int c) : r(r), c(c) {} //constructor--建構器 } p(0,0); struct gt { //給優先佇列用的Functor bool operator() (cell a, cell b) { return cost[a.r][a.c] < cost[b.r][b.c]; //依該格的Cost 來排序 } }; int main () { int tc, n, m, i, j, d; int dr[4]={0,0,1,-1}, dc[4]={1,-1,0,0}; //d(elta)--四個方向的座標差 cin >> tc; while (tc--) { cin >> n >> m; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) //輸入cost for (j=1; j<=m; j++) cin >> cost[i][j]; priority_queue, gt> q;//建構新的優先佇列 q.push (cell(1, 1)); //將原點推入佇列 cost[1][1] = ~cost[1][1]; //標示為拜訪過 while (, p.r!=n || p.c!=m) { //BFS + Priority Queue q.pop(); //從佇列取出 for (d=0; d<4; d++) { //試四個方向 i = p.r + dr[d]; j = p.c + dc[d]; if (i<1 || i>n || j<1 || j>m || cost[i][j]<0) continue; //超出邊界或拜訪過則跳過 cost[i][j] = cost[p.r][p.c] - cost[i][j]; q.push (cell (i, j)); //↑計算從原點到此的距離 } } cout << ~cost[n][m] << endl; } //用- 無法把0 變負數,所以用~ }